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TAG Capital Project

TAG Capital Project management software can help you tackle any major maintenance project—whether internal or external—to keep your CAPEX budget and timelines in check.


What are maintenance capital projects?

Maintenance capital projects are usually part of a larger CAPEX program, such as repairing an entire production line or major machinery purchase implementations. Managing capital projects entails estimating and project planning, work order execution, project forecasting, risk management, and reporting and analyses on project milestones. Capital-intensive businesses in industries, such as rail, mass transit, utilities, oil and gas, mining, petrochemicals and airlines, benefit from maintenance capital project management software like TAG.

TAG Capital Project leverages digital technologies to drive true business value across all stages of your equipment lifecycle—from strategy and planning through to managing assets’ useful life and decommissioning. In TAG Capital Project, you can manage any type of internal or external project. It can handle phase-task budgeting, scheduling and WIPs, allowing you to perform real-time analyses on actual costs versus budgets.

Ready to see how TAG Capital Project can benefit your organization?

What can companies and maintenance teams achieve with TAG Capital Project?

Automate your workforce scheduling

TAG Capital Project is integrated with TAG EAM so that you can globally assign all work coming from maintenance work orders or project work orders using only one scheduling tool. Gain a better view of the availability and workload of your staff, tools, vendors and contractors.

Get better control over budgets and costs

TAG Capital Project is a real job management tool that includes Gantt charts so that your project manager can create budgets and schedules in the software, cumulating all costs from internal teams, contractors, materials and expenses in one place.

Execute large and complex capital projects with ease

Many major maintenance projects can run for months and even years, making it hard to keep track of all open work orders and manage scheduling. TAG Capital Project will link all work orders to a single project so that you can keep them under control.

Track all costs and resources

TAG Capital Project also features a comprehensive time sheet. Some employees, including engineers and architects, will not work from work orders. TAG Capital Project acts as a time sheet that is independent of maintenance work orders so that resources’ time and costs can also be tracked against a single source of project information.

Reduce the risk of cost and schedule overruns

TAG Capital Project’s workflow and approval process keep project managers in control. They can review time sheets and work orders before capturing time and expenses against the task. They can also independently manage tasks that have been overbooked or avoid booking time over budget against a task—and get an immediate warning for budget reallocation.

Benefit from seamless interoperability

TAG Capital Project is the perfect fit for complex maintenance projects. TAG Capital Project is a plug-and-play module that can be quickly activated in TAG EAM, which eliminates the hassle of setting up a new system from scratch.

Streamline month-end procedures

Budget and project revisions and forecasts in TAG Capital Project deliver real-time assessments of changing costs. The solution calculates capital investments for your internal projects and prepares accounting entries. If you carry out service projects for your customers, it will calculate revenue from work in progress associated to each project.

Generate customizable in-depth reports

Extensive reporting options in TAG Capital Project show commitment and spend progress at multiple levels. You can deliver updated and relevant project updates to all stakeholders. Because TAG is a part of Microsoft’s solution stack, you can use out-of-the box reporting capabilities or Power BI analytics.

TAG Maintenance Capital Project key features

Project structure with phases and tasks

Embed an unlimited level of phases and tasks into a project. For each task, you can budget inventory or part requirements, labor time and value, and expenses. Create dependencies as well as start and end dates and times for any task or phase. Map your project scheduling throughout weeks, months and years in one project structure.

Drag-and-drop project scheduling

Manage and schedule your project tasks and phases with a visual Gantt chart tool. From the chart, you can create a new task or phase, and view real versus forecasted budgets. Need to reschedule a task? Simply drag and drop it, and pinpoint critical dependencies for optimized project coordination.

Work order creation from a project task

In TAG Capital Project, you can create a work order that will allow you to dispatch and schedule staff, service providers, and tools. Qualified employees who are responsible for your regular maintenance can be assigned to a project work order.

Resource booking and time sheets

If you have experts who are not part of your regular workforce or are not associated to maintenance personnel—but that need to work on a project—you can nevertheless book them and generate time sheets directly in TAG Capital Project. You can schedule specific resources so they can see the job in their calendars with task information and enter their real time spent.

Time approvals and workflows

Time coming from TAG Capital Project work orders or time sheets will be automatically sent into the approval workflow for review by the project manager. This will ensure proper time allocation to your budget and respect of planned work. Staff members can request more time from managers if the allotted time is not sufficient.

Project link to customer invoicing

Projects can be assigned to a customer as part of a Maintenance-as-a-Service offer. If linked to a customer, your project can be invoiced based on time and material, or fixed miles stones. You can configure work and part pricing by customer and currency.

Purchase order and inventory links to TAG Capital Project

You can assign a PO line to a specific task. When you receive goods or services against the line, it will become an expense. You can also use inventory directly from a project task or from TAG Capital Project work orders assigned to the task, thereby changing the cost. You can also plan a production or kitting from a task and use the produced part.

Work in progress and capitalization

Based on budget and inventory use, the system can evaluate—by task and phase—the work in progress calculation to create entries and capitalize costs against equipment. If a project is assigned to a customer, it will evaluate the portion of revenue that should be attributed for that specific period and prepare the accounting entries.

TAG Capital Project ensures complete capital project management while keeping budgets and timelines in check. Discover it today.